Get in touch
Purchase Type:
—Please choose an option—Private SaleAuction
Date of Auction:
Address of Property you are buying:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Full Name of Purchaser 1
—Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Mobile No:
Residential Address:
—Please choose an option—AustralianOther
If you are not an Australian Citizen, are you a permanent resident of Australia?
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Enter Nationality:
If You Have Another Purchaser, Please Select "Yes"..
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Full Name of Purchaser 2
Full Name of Purchaser 3
Full Name of Purchaser 4
If purchasing under a Trust / SMSF/ Company:
If the Company is a trustee company, please provide a copy of the trust deed:
Trust Name:
Company Name:
Provide ABN/ACN details:
Is it a Cash Purchase?
Are you obtaining Finance:
Please provide contact details of Broker or Banker:
Name of the Broker or Banker:
Name of Institution or Bank:
Type of Property (Select One or More):
Vacant LandOff the Plan purchaseResidentialEstablished HomeNewly Built HomeHome and Land PackageIndustrialCommercialRuralOther
Are you buying to
—Please choose an option—Live in the propertyInvestment
Are you a First home buyer?
Is/ are the holder(s) of a Pensioner or Concession card and wish to apply for a stamp duty rebate?
I/we confirm that I/we have not claimed a pensioner rebate on the purchase of any previous property.
Please provide copies of the concession card:
How will you be holding the property?
—Please choose an option—For one purchaser - Sole ProprietorJoint ProprietorsTenants In Common
For 2 or more Purchasers: A. Joint Proprietors – Each person owns an equal share of the property and upon the death of any party, their share passes to the other owner/s.
B. Tenants In Common – Who own shares in the property as they choose i.e. 50/50, 66/40, 90/10 etc. Upon the death of any party their share of the property is death with according to their will.
If you have selected Tenants In Common, please advise the share distribution in percentage: (For example – purchaser 1 70% purchaser 2 30%)
Purchaser percentage:
Is any of the Purchasers related to the Vendors (e.g. Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or In laws etc.)
Please specify the relationship between purchaser and vendor:
Name of Agent:
Name of Agency:
Your Future postal address for correspondence:
Attach photo ID of all purchaser/s
Signed by:
Your Name:
Your Email: