Get in touch
Sale Type:
—Please choose an option—Private SaleAuction
Date of Auction:
Address of Property you are selling:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Full Name of Registered Proprietor 1
—Please choose an option—Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Mobile No:
Residential Address:
—Please choose an option—AustralianOther
If you are not an Australian Citizen, are you a permanent resident of Australia?
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Enter Nationality:
If You Have Another proprietor, Please Select "Yes"..
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Full Name of Registered Proprietor 2
Full Name of Registered Proprietor 3
Full Name of Registered Proprietor 4
Is the property owned by a Trust Fund/ SMSF/Company:
If the Company is a trustee company, please provide a copy of the trust deed:
Trust Name:
Company Name:
Provide ABN/ACN details:
Certificate of Title:
Additional titles (eg Storage Area, Car Park):
Who holds Certificate of Title:
Is there a Mortgage over the Property:
Name of Broker/ Bank:
Loan Account No:
Type of Property (Select One or More):
Vacant LandResidentialHomeInvestmentHome and Land PackageIndustrialCommercialRuralOther
Is there legal access to the property by road?:
Are you required to pay GST on this transaction? If unsure, please seek your accountant’s advice.:
Name of Accountant:
If GST is payable, please advise if Margin Scheme isapplicable. If unsure, speak to your accountant:
Is the property Leased / Rented:
Agency and Rental Manager Name:
Please forward a copy of the Lease / Rental Agreement and provide agent details:
Is Land Tax payable on the property:
Amount $
Water Authority:
Provide copies of council and water rates notices:
What are the estimated yearly rates of your property? (Council, Water, Land Tax and Owners Corp etc) Estimated amount: $
Owners Corporation/ Body Corp Details:
Manager Name:
Please tick the Services Connected ie current account
Building Information- any Permits granted in last 7 years?
Please supply copy of Building Permit, Certificate of Occupancy Permit, Final Inspections, Builder’s Warranty Insurance
If yes, is it Owner Builders works?
Please provide copy of Building Permit, Certificate of Occupancy Permit, Final Inspections/ Owner Builder Inspection Report and Certificate of Insurance.
Have any alterations or additions been carried out at the property by you or a previous owner. (e.g. extension, pergola or shed):
Have any alterations or additions been carried out at the property by you or a previous owner. (e.g. extension, pergola or shed): If yes, please provide details
Have you received any Orders or Notices relating to the property from any authority eg: footpaths, fencing, Building, Roadworks, etc:
Have you received any Orders or Notices relating to the property from any authority eg: footpaths, fencing, Building, Roadworks, etc: If yes, please provide a copy
Are you aware of any failure to comply with any restrictions imposed by any easements, covenants or other encumbrances on title?
Are you aware of any failure to comply with any restrictions imposed by any easements, covenants or other encumbrances on title? If yes, please provide details
Is there a Swimming Pool or outdoor spa:
is it registered with Council?
Has a barrier inspection been completed by a registered building surveyor?
Have you been issued with a certificate of compliance?
Please provide Certificate of compliance & letter of registration with council
Are there Solar Panels installed?
If yes, is there any loan outstanding? Please provide details.
Are Smoke Alarms installed?
Is the property registered under the Heritage Act:?
Chattels being sold with property:
Light FittingsDishwasherInternal Window CoveringsExternal Window CoveringsFloor CoveringsAir ConditionerOther-Please list
If Other Please Specify:
Separation/ Court Orders/ Lawyers involvement
If yes, please provide details:
Name of Agent:
Account No:
Account Name:
Name of Bank:
Your Future postal address for correspondence:
Attach photo ID of all vendors
Signed by:
Your Name:
Your Email: